Odour Control

Odour Control and Odour Removal for Residential Apartments

In today's society,  the importance of providing a clean, odour free environment for residents is paramount to property and facilities managers.

Issues include:

  • Residents regularly complain about odour issues
  • Existing odour control efforts are expensive and ineffective most of the time - if not all of the time
  • Maintenance personnel use a variety of cleaning products
  • Expenditure on cleaning products is high
  • You would prefer to use environmentally friendly products instead of harsh chemicals

Some of the benefits achieved through the use of Odour Control Systems products include:

  • Effective treatment of odours at the source means fewer complaints from residents
  • 100% natural and environmentally friendly solutions for a "greener" footprint
  • Convenient and cost-effective
  • Systems serviced and maintained by qualifed technicians - your maintenance personnel are not required to do anything



Odour control solutions for residential apartment complexes