Odour Control

Odour Control and Removal for Office Buildings

In commercial office buildings, it is vitally important to maintain a level of employee satisfaction. Happy employees are more productive with less absenteeism and this leads to lower rates of staff turnover and ultimately, greater profits for the business.

OCS can provide products for controlling odours in the common problem areas such as toilets and garbage areas. While these products will help to fulfill the basic needs of a commercial office building - no bad smells - we can offer much more.

The look and feel of a business is important - employees feel happiest in a safe and relatively modern environment with all the appropriate tools to take on the challenging tasks that may lay ahead.

One factor often overlooked in office buildings is the smell. Of all of the senses, smell is most closely linked to memory and, as a result of this close link, is the most likely to elicit an emotional response, whether positive or negative.

Now you can harness the power of scent better than ever before with our ambient scenting products. The OCS Air Q range of appliances can deliver exactly the right amount of scent into your space - enough to create the environment you want without being overpowering.

With a large fragrance catalogue to choose from, including our aromatherapy range, it has never been easier to create any mood you desire.

Want to know more about controlling garbage odours or learn how to eliminate toilet odours?

Need something more specific? Click here to make an enquiry


" Research demonstrated a 52% reduction
in clerical error when a citrus mixture
was introduced in office buildings in Japan."

The Whiff Guys


Odour control solutions for commercial office buildings