Odour Remediation
Change Room Odour Control - Club
The Challenge
Cronulla Golf Club in NSW had an "unbearable" odour problem in their male change room which management had tried to control for five years without success.
The Solution
OCS installed an AirQ 510 unit in the offending change room, immediately eliminating the odour problem and infusing the area with a pleasant and fresh pink grapefruit fragrance.
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Chlorine Odours - Hotel Elevators & Lobbies
The Challenge
A leading hotel in a large US city has an indoor pool and water park. One guest tower shares an elevator shaft with the water park and chlorine odours were permeating the elevators and wafting on to guest floors. This hotel wanted to eliminate the chlorine odours and also add a light scent to their lobby.
The Solution
Four appliances were installed in the elevator shafts and upper and lower lobbies to remove the chlorine odours and inject the smell of fresh flowers into the lobbies.
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Damp Odours - Sports Club
The Challenge
Moorebank Sports Club suffered the unfortunate situation of flooding and although the carpet was treated, a persistent bad odour remained.
The Solution
OCS installed an AirQ 1000 unit to eliminate the offensive, damp odour and provide the club with a fresh, clean scent. Since the installation of this unit, patrons and staff alike have applauded the air enhancement system.
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Perspiration Odour - Fitness Centre
The Challenge
The childrens exercise, play and fitness centre in a major Florida time share facility had an odour problem attributed to the plastic play structure combined with human perspiration. The problem was so severe that the area was removed from the facility tour provided to prospective clients.
The Solution
A targeted odour remediation agent was introduced through the HVAC system which eliminated all malodours from the area. The resort management were so impressed with the outcome, they reported
"The equipment and scent has performed beyond our wildest expectations. Your equipment and technical support has enabled us to overcome a serious odour problem in a critial area of our resort operation and to do so in a cost-effective manner."
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Restroom Odour - Airport
The Challenge
A major European airport conducted a customer satisfaction survey and found that there was growing client dissatisfaction based primarily on the restrooms. A trial was carried out on eight restroooms, experimenting with different scents including a freshly cut grass scent, a cotton candy scent and a detergent scent.
The Solution
The trial was a resounding success, with the airport deciding to change all of their previous air freshener systems in thirty eight restrooms. This also solved other logistical issues for the airport, mainly that the appliances could be installed outside of the restrooms and fragrance piped in through a tube in the wall, preventing theft and vandalism which was an issue with the previous systems.
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Restroom Odour - Casino
The Challenge
A major casino and hotel in Las Vegas had tried every commercially available restroom odour control system without success. Although this property has installed as many as twenty-two dispensers in each restroom and supplemented this with hand spraying during peak periods, the restrooms were still extremely unpleasant.
The Solution
The twenty-two traditional dispensers were replaced with two AirQ 200 units in the most difficult restroom. A proprietary odour neutralising agent targeting fecal-urine odours was used, together with a fresh and clean scent.
Following a three week trial during which time all hand spraying was discontinued, management awarded a three year contract to provide restroom hygiene services to all sixteen restrooms in the casino and convention complex. Today, all restrooms and casino gaming areas are provided with both odour remediation and ambient scenting services.
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Tobacco Odour - Hard Rock Casino Gaming Area
The Challenge
The Hard Rock Casino in the United States has over 100,000 square feet of playing area and were experiencing a persistent and severe tobacco odour problem despite aggressive cleaning and fresh air ventilation systems.
The Solution
A trial was conducted in a 5,000 square feet cocktail lounge area that presented a particularly difficult odour problem. Using an odour neutralising agent targeted at residual cigarette smoke odours and a fragrance selected by management to match the hotel amenities scent, the malodours were completely eliminated and replaced by the pleasant, memorable scent chosen by the casino management.
Following a month-long trial and evaluation period, a three year contract was awarded to provide odour remediation and ambient scenting services to the hotel lobby, gaming and adjacent areas. After a further ninety days, a second three year contract was awarded for another facility of equal size, and today, all casinos operated by this well-regarded group are serviced.
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Tobacco Odour - Hotel Smoking Floors
The Challenge
A five star hotel in the United States was experiencing strong tobacco odours on their smoking floors due to a lack of good air circulation in the hallways. This is a common problem for hotels that rely on individual room units. The top floor also had a mouldy smell from humidity caused by doors to the rooftop.
The Solution
Appliances were installed to diffuse odour neutralises while providing a pleasant scent throughout the hallways and elevator shafts. An inviting aroma was also added to the lobby to create a warm and homely atmosphere. This was a rapid, effective and discreet solution that reflected the reputation of the hotel.
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